Help with parking charges
Received a parking charge from First Parking? Pay or appeal online today.

Parking enforcement with motorists in mind
No one likes or wants to receive a parking charge. That’s why we work closely with the British Parking Association and POPLA to ensure we provide fair, transparent, and ethical car park services.
While we do everything we can to ensure parking charges are issued fairly, our complaints policy is designed to provide customers with an opportunity to report any shortcomings.
Frequently Asked Questions from Motorists
If I ignore my parking charge, what happens?
If a parking charge is ignored and no payment is made, further action may be taken. This could include referral to a Credit Reference Agency, instruction of solicitors to secure immediate payment, referral to debt recovery, or issuance of court proceedings, all of which will incur additional costs.
If you wish to appeal a parking charge, we recommend lodging an appeal as soon as you receive it.
I am a blue badge holder; aren’t I exempt from private parking rules?
Locations and times may vary by local authority, but the Department for Transport’s Blue Badge scheme allows disabled drivers to park in specific restricted areas on public highways for up to three hours. This concession applies solely to public roads and is not applicable to private land.
On private property, some landlords offer preferential parking for Blue Badge holders. However, this is generally subject to the same terms and conditions as the rest of the car park, including any applicable tariffs and maximum stay periods.
To avoid confusion, always check the terms and conditions displayed on the signage at the site.
I didn’t sign a contract, so how can a contract be formed with the driver?
Parking charges are issued based on a contract with the motorist, which is clearly outlined through the signage at the site. This signage specifies the terms and conditions for authorised parking, whether it involves paying the appropriate parking tariff, adhering to a limited stay period, or similar requirements. A parking charge will be incurred if these conditions are not met.
We ensure that signage is ample, clear, and visible, complying with the British Parking Association Code of Practice. This guarantees that motorists are aware of and bound by the terms and conditions upon entering and staying at the site. All users of the site must adhere to these rules.
Is First Parking’s appeals process fair?
Each appeal is individually evaluated by a trained appeals assessor, who not only reviews the site rules but also applies a common-sense approach.
Does First Parking have the authority to issue parking charges?
Yes, First Parking is authorised by our clients to install signage that outlines the terms and conditions of parking. We are also empowered to issue parking charges for any breaches of these terms and conditions and to recover and retain these charges.